Establish Quorum and Call to Order. A. Announcement by the President and Mayor whether a quorum is present, that the meetin ghas been duly called,notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law, and welcoming those in attendance. B. Invocation. C. Posting of the Colors - Stafford High School Army JROTC. D. Pledge of Allegiance - led by Col. Thomas Ehlingher. E. National Anthem - Stafford High School Choir.
Opening remarks by Mayor outlining the basic approach to follow for this joint meeting under Texas Education Code 11.303.
Opening remarks by the School Board President concerning the 2012-13 budget, tax rates and budget process.
Presentation by SMSD Superintendent Lance Hindt and Chief Financial Officer Carla Merka on SMSD Strategic Vision Plan, proposed budget, and proposed tax rate.
Presentation by Mayor on City's involvement in SMSD budget adn tax setting process and contribution to SMSD and to City's and Stafford taxpayers' supuport provided in SMSD 2012-13 Budget.
Public hearing to receive comments regarding: A. SMSD proposed budget. B. SMSD proposed tax rate.
Discussion by SMSD Trustees, City Council, and SMSD Administration on comments by the public.
Consideration, discussion and possible action(s) by SMSD Trustees and City Council to approve the 2012-13 SMSD budget adn related actions. A. Consider approval of 2012-13 SMSD budget by SMSD Board adn related actions. B. Consider approval by the SMSD Board to suspend the rule requiring a motin and second to take further action. C. Call for a roll-call vote and brief comments from the members of the SMSD Board and members of City Council to approve the 2012-13 SMSD budget as presented.
Consideration, discussion and possible action(s) by SMSD Trustees and City Council to approve and establish the ad valorem tax rate necessary for the support and maintenance of schools and teh ad valorem tax rate necessary for the purpose of paying the interest and providing a sinking fund for the payment of bond indebtedness of the Stafford Municipal School District for the tax year 2012 to fund school budget year 2012-13 and related actions. A. Consideration and possible action by SMSD Board of Trustees to approve a tax rate of $1.04005 for support and miantenance of schools for tax year 2012 and related actions. B. Consideration and possible action by SMSD Board of Trustees to approve a tax rate of $0.20995 for the purpose of paying the interest and providing a sinking fund for the payment of bonded indebtedness of teh SMSD for the tax year 2012 and related action. C. Presiding officers call for a vote form the members of the Board and members of City Coucnil to approve the tax rate of $1.04005 for the support and miantenance of schools for tax year 2012 and related actions. D. Presiding officers call for a vote from the members of the Board and members of City Council to approve the tax rate of $0.20995 for the purpose of paying the interest and providing a sinking fund for the payment of bonded indebtedness of the SMSD for the tax year 2012 adn related actions.
Consideration and possible action by Cityo Council to adopt an ordinance providing for the assessment, levy, and collection of ad valorem taxes by the City of Stafford, Texas, for the use and benefit of the Stafford Municipal School District for the tax year 2012 to fund the school budget year 2012-13; providing the date on which such taxes shall be due and payable; repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and containing a severability clause.
Establish Quorum and Call to Order. A. Announcement by the President and Mayor whether a quorum is present, that the meetin ghas been duly called,notice of the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law, and welcoming those in attendance. B. Invocation. C. Posting of the Colors - Stafford High School Army JROTC. D. Pledge of Allegiance - led by Col. Thomas Ehlingher. E. National Anthem - Stafford High School Choir.
Opening remarks by Mayor outlining the basic approach to follow for this joint meeting under Texas Education Code 11.303.
Opening remarks by the School Board President concerning the 2012-13 budget, tax rates and budget process.
Presentation by SMSD Superintendent Lance Hindt and Chief Financial Officer Carla Merka on SMSD Strategic Vision Plan, proposed budget, and proposed tax rate.
Presentation by Mayor on City's involvement in SMSD budget adn tax setting process and contribution to SMSD and to City's and Stafford taxpayers' supuport provided in SMSD 2012-13 Budget.
Public hearing to receive comments regarding: A. SMSD proposed budget. B. SMSD proposed tax rate.
Discussion by SMSD Trustees, City Council, and SMSD Administration on comments by the public.
Consideration, discussion and possible action(s) by SMSD Trustees and City Council to approve the 2012-13 SMSD budget adn related actions. A. Consider approval of 2012-13 SMSD budget by SMSD Board adn related actions. B. Consider approval by the SMSD Board to suspend the rule requiring a motin and second to take further action. C. Call for a roll-call vote and brief comments from the members of the SMSD Board and members of City Council to approve the 2012-13 SMSD budget as presented.
Consideration, discussion and possible action(s) by SMSD Trustees and City Council to approve and establish the ad valorem tax rate necessary for the support and maintenance of schools and teh ad valorem tax rate necessary for the purpose of paying the interest and providing a sinking fund for the payment of bond indebtedness of the Stafford Municipal School District for the tax year 2012 to fund school budget year 2012-13 and related actions. A. Consideration and possible action by SMSD Board of Trustees to approve a tax rate of $1.04005 for support and miantenance of schools for tax year 2012 and related actions. B. Consideration and possible action by SMSD Board of Trustees to approve a tax rate of $0.20995 for the purpose of paying the interest and providing a sinking fund for the payment of bonded indebtedness of teh SMSD for the tax year 2012 and related action. C. Presiding officers call for a vote form the members of the Board and members of City Coucnil to approve the tax rate of $1.04005 for the support and miantenance of schools for tax year 2012 and related actions. D. Presiding officers call for a vote from the members of the Board and members of City Council to approve the tax rate of $0.20995 for the purpose of paying the interest and providing a sinking fund for the payment of bonded indebtedness of the SMSD for the tax year 2012 adn related actions.
Consideration and possible action by Cityo Council to adopt an ordinance providing for the assessment, levy, and collection of ad valorem taxes by the City of Stafford, Texas, for the use and benefit of the Stafford Municipal School District for the tax year 2012 to fund the school budget year 2012-13; providing the date on which such taxes shall be due and payable; repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and containing a severability clause.