(a) Discussion of matters pertaining to the Stafford Centre including report on previous activities and events and projected schedule of forthcoming activities and events. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 2.(a).
(a) Discussion of a resolution of the City of Stafford, Texas to take possession and control of a cemetery, Stafford Road Cemetery, also known as Craven Cemetery, on behalf of the public, located in the City, that threatens or endangers the public health, safety, comfort, or welfare of the citizens of Stafford; providing for the maintenance of Stafford Road (Craven) Cemetery in accordance with state law; prohibiting the sale of future burial space in Stafford Road Cemetery; and closing Stafford Road Cemetery to future burials. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 3.(a).
(a) Discussion of a resolution of the City of Stafford, Texas to take possession and control of a cemetery, Stafford Road Cemetery, also known as Craven Cemetery, on behalf of the public, located in the City, that threatens or endangers the public health, safety, comfort, or welfare of the citizens of Stafford; providing for the maintenance of Stafford Road (Craven) Cemetery in accordance with state law; prohibiting the sale of future burial space in Stafford Road Cemetery; and closing Stafford Road Cemetery to future burials. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 3.(a).
(a) Discussion of a resolution of the City of Stafford, Texas to take possession and control of a cemetery, Stafford Road Cemetery, also known as Craven Cemetery, on behalf of the public, located in the City, that threatens or endangers the public health, safety, comfort, or welfare of the citizens of Stafford; providing for the maintenance of Stafford Road (Craven) Cemetery in accordance with state law; prohibiting the sale of future burial space in Stafford Road Cemetery; and closing Stafford Road Cemetery to future burials. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 3.(a).
(a) Discussion of setting meeting to consider recommendation encompassed in resolution by Stafford Municipal School District Board of Trustees for the calling of a bond election for May 14, 2011, based on Vision and Planning Committee proposal for $49,900,000 improvement program to the school. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 4.(a).
Consent Agenda (any item tagged will be considered at the next Regular City Council Meeting: any item approved will include payment of expenses). (a) Request by Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for City to host a group of children to tour City facilities including Council Chambers, City Hall, Police Department, Fire Department and Court Department on Saturday, March 5, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. (b) Request by Director of Emergency Services and Chief of Police for ratification and approval for certain Police Department personnel to attend training as specified in memo dated January 28, 2011.
7. Executive Session 8. Consideration of appropriate action on matters discussed in executive session including employment of part-time employee for Civic Center and change in hours for current part-time employee at Civic Center. 9. Adjournment.
(a) Discussion of matters pertaining to the Stafford Centre including report on previous activities and events and projected schedule of forthcoming activities and events. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 2.(a).
(a) Discussion of a resolution of the City of Stafford, Texas to take possession and control of a cemetery, Stafford Road Cemetery, also known as Craven Cemetery, on behalf of the public, located in the City, that threatens or endangers the public health, safety, comfort, or welfare of the citizens of Stafford; providing for the maintenance of Stafford Road (Craven) Cemetery in accordance with state law; prohibiting the sale of future burial space in Stafford Road Cemetery; and closing Stafford Road Cemetery to future burials. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 3.(a).
(a) Discussion of a resolution of the City of Stafford, Texas to take possession and control of a cemetery, Stafford Road Cemetery, also known as Craven Cemetery, on behalf of the public, located in the City, that threatens or endangers the public health, safety, comfort, or welfare of the citizens of Stafford; providing for the maintenance of Stafford Road (Craven) Cemetery in accordance with state law; prohibiting the sale of future burial space in Stafford Road Cemetery; and closing Stafford Road Cemetery to future burials. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 3.(a).
(a) Discussion of a resolution of the City of Stafford, Texas to take possession and control of a cemetery, Stafford Road Cemetery, also known as Craven Cemetery, on behalf of the public, located in the City, that threatens or endangers the public health, safety, comfort, or welfare of the citizens of Stafford; providing for the maintenance of Stafford Road (Craven) Cemetery in accordance with state law; prohibiting the sale of future burial space in Stafford Road Cemetery; and closing Stafford Road Cemetery to future burials. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 3.(a).
(a) Discussion of setting meeting to consider recommendation encompassed in resolution by Stafford Municipal School District Board of Trustees for the calling of a bond election for May 14, 2011, based on Vision and Planning Committee proposal for $49,900,000 improvement program to the school. (b) Consideration of appropriate action on Item 4.(a).
Consent Agenda (any item tagged will be considered at the next Regular City Council Meeting: any item approved will include payment of expenses). (a) Request by Jack and Jill of America, Inc. for City to host a group of children to tour City facilities including Council Chambers, City Hall, Police Department, Fire Department and Court Department on Saturday, March 5, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. (b) Request by Director of Emergency Services and Chief of Police for ratification and approval for certain Police Department personnel to attend training as specified in memo dated January 28, 2011.
7. Executive Session 8. Consideration of appropriate action on matters discussed in executive session including employment of part-time employee for Civic Center and change in hours for current part-time employee at Civic Center. 9. Adjournment.