Opening proposals received from interested banks, credit unions and savings associations to serve as the depository for the City.
Discussion of a one year extension of final plat approval for Stafford Oaks Subdivision, Replat of Lot 69, Res "A".
Discussion of request by Emergency Management and Police Department to purchase a UPS Backup Power Supply to replace UPS lost during Hurricane Ike with funds received from FEMA.
Discussion of 2011 consumer price index adjustment to municipal telecommunications right-of-way access line rates.
Discussion of an ordinance of the City of Stafford, Texas, adopting Amendment No. 3 to the budget of the City of Stafford, Texas, for the 2010-2011 fiscal year; allocating unappropriated funds; providing detailed line item increases or decreases; providing for severability; and containing other provisions relating to the subject.
Discussion of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Stafford, Texas, by adding to Chapter 38 "Environment" thereof a new Article VII. "Storm Water Pollution Protection"; declaring the discharge of polluted water into a storm sewer system a public nuisance; requiring construction sites to comply with the requirements of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("TPDES") General Permit No. TXR150000; regulating the discharge of storm water into a storm water system located within the City; prohibiting the introduction of pollutants into a storm water system located within the City; authorizing the City to require pollution monitoring devices at facilities or sites that are discharging or have discharged pollutants into a storm sewer within the City; providing for severability; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed two thousand dollars for violation of any provision hereof; and finding and determining that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed was open as required by law.
City Engineer's and Public Works Department's report and discussion of engineering matters including: (a) Stafford/Staffordshire Roads Project addressing progress of construction; (b) Progress of developments on the US 90A Improvement Project with information on plants lost to freezing and replanting; (c) Status of Mobility Projects addressing Dulles Avenue, Brand Lane and Kirkwood Road improvement projects; (d) Local street and drainage improvements; and (e) Consideration of appropriate action on Items 9.(a) - 9.(d).
Consent Agenda (any item tagged will be considered at the next Regular City Council Meeting: any item approved will include payment of expenses). (a) Request by Public Works Director for supervisors and crew leaders in the Street Department to attend a one day trainingclass on "Highway and Work Zone Safety" to be held in Pasadena, Texas on May 5, 2011. (b) Request by Director of Emergency Services and Chief of Police for approval and ratification for certain Police Department personnel to attend training as specified in memo dated April 6, 2011.
12. Executive Session 13. Consideration of appropriate action on matters discussed in executive session including appointments to the Charter Review Commission. 14. Adjournment.
Opening proposals received from interested banks, credit unions and savings associations to serve as the depository for the City.
Discussion of a one year extension of final plat approval for Stafford Oaks Subdivision, Replat of Lot 69, Res "A".
Discussion of request by Emergency Management and Police Department to purchase a UPS Backup Power Supply to replace UPS lost during Hurricane Ike with funds received from FEMA.
Discussion of 2011 consumer price index adjustment to municipal telecommunications right-of-way access line rates.
Discussion of an ordinance of the City of Stafford, Texas, adopting Amendment No. 3 to the budget of the City of Stafford, Texas, for the 2010-2011 fiscal year; allocating unappropriated funds; providing detailed line item increases or decreases; providing for severability; and containing other provisions relating to the subject.
Discussion of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Stafford, Texas, by adding to Chapter 38 "Environment" thereof a new Article VII. "Storm Water Pollution Protection"; declaring the discharge of polluted water into a storm sewer system a public nuisance; requiring construction sites to comply with the requirements of the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("TPDES") General Permit No. TXR150000; regulating the discharge of storm water into a storm water system located within the City; prohibiting the introduction of pollutants into a storm water system located within the City; authorizing the City to require pollution monitoring devices at facilities or sites that are discharging or have discharged pollutants into a storm sewer within the City; providing for severability; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed two thousand dollars for violation of any provision hereof; and finding and determining that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed was open as required by law.
City Engineer's and Public Works Department's report and discussion of engineering matters including: (a) Stafford/Staffordshire Roads Project addressing progress of construction; (b) Progress of developments on the US 90A Improvement Project with information on plants lost to freezing and replanting; (c) Status of Mobility Projects addressing Dulles Avenue, Brand Lane and Kirkwood Road improvement projects; (d) Local street and drainage improvements; and (e) Consideration of appropriate action on Items 9.(a) - 9.(d).
Consent Agenda (any item tagged will be considered at the next Regular City Council Meeting: any item approved will include payment of expenses). (a) Request by Public Works Director for supervisors and crew leaders in the Street Department to attend a one day trainingclass on "Highway and Work Zone Safety" to be held in Pasadena, Texas on May 5, 2011. (b) Request by Director of Emergency Services and Chief of Police for approval and ratification for certain Police Department personnel to attend training as specified in memo dated April 6, 2011.
12. Executive Session 13. Consideration of appropriate action on matters discussed in executive session including appointments to the Charter Review Commission. 14. Adjournment.